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Here We Grow

Let’s make rainforests grow.
By listening to the song

Listening to 8 hours of HERE WE GROW generates CHF 2.88 streaming revenue for growing 1 2 of rainforest.

As a home for plants, animals, people and the protection of our climate worldwide. Free of charge. On the metro, during sports, as a soundtrack at work. Day and night and everywhere we use Spotify. And just imagine, millions are joining HERE WE GROW.


Let’s dream as a community, let’s change the world.

Listening to 8 hours of HERE WE GROW generates CHF 2.88 streaming revenue for growing 1 2 of rainforest.

As a home for plants, animals, people and the protection of our climate worldwide. Free of charge. On the metro, during sports, as a soundtrack at work. Day and night and everywhere we use Spotify. And just imagine, millions are joining HERE WE GROW.

Let’s dream as a community, 
let’s change the world.

*This example refers to the conditions of Spotify Switzerland, based on figures published in the media. In other countries, the values differ and the exact remuneration depends on the specific accounting models used by Spotify, which are outside the power and control of HERE WE GROW, Clima Now and The Generation Forest.


Stockerstrasse 56
CH-8002 Zürich

Donation Account

CH81 0070 0114 8071 2583 2


Zürcher Kantonalbank
Postfach CH-8001 Zürich

A charity project with:

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